Monday, August 17, 2009

Body fat and my birthday

This is a post on two totally unrelated topics. First as I told you before I just joined a gym last week. As part of my start up plan, I went to have a physical test to check my shape. It turns out I am officially not fat! My weight, body fat percentage and muscular mass are all within the normal ranges. However, of course I could be better so I set up a few fitness goals to accomplish in the next three months, so hopefully once I'm back in Lugano I'll me much fitter.

The second topic is my birthday "comida". I invited some people over to my place and I made pizza and sangria. I think they both were pretty good. As I told you before I don't have that many good friends left in Querétaro, but I least some people showed up and we had a good time, although to be honest, the best celebrations at VT76 were way better. I also bought way too much food and drinks so now I have lots of cheese, ham, soft drinks and 3 liters of cheap wine for sangria! So if any of you feel like coming down to Queretaro we could have a nice dinner.

I attach some pics taken with my dying camera, there will be better ones posted on facebook at some point. I'm getting a new camera soon.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sporty Pizzaiolo

Is that how you spell pizzaiolo? I don't know...

Anyhow, yesterday was full with accomplishments (totally not thesis related). First, I started going to the gym, a supposedly fancy one where my mom goes, it looks like I won't be fatter the next time you see me. Then I cooked a pizza!!! that was quite a great accomplishment, I even made the sauce. What happnes is that I want to cook pizza for my birthday on Saturday, but I needed to try to make it first. It was quite good, I think. I used mozzarela cheese, tuna, corn, and zucchini. And finally I got a job interview, I was contacted by some person two days ago, yesterday I spoke with her and I'm still not sure if I would even be interested, but I think is always good to check it out. So I scheduled an interview tomorrow, maybe then I'll find out more about it.

So that's it for now... oh and in case it wasn't clear I am celebrating my birthday this Saturday, andI may cook pizza, not sure yet.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Queretaro pics

I got my sister's camera and went to the downtown to use it and figure out how it works. I also wanted to be out of my house for a while, I needed some air. I was by myself since no one of the people that I know here was available. I used to go out by self in Lugano a lot, but here I almost never did it. strange, strange.

I have a thing for skys

and finally a beer, it was happy hour and I had two beers for less than 3CHF!